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Date Posted: 15:55:02 09/26/02 Thu
Author: Unruley
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Subject: ~*~The Lies...They Come Swiftly~*~

Femme's ears pricked turning only glancing back at the waters in which had transported her back to earth. Her flame filled optics seemed to be filled with challenging looks. She smerked, Oh how wrong Skajira would be, Only one stallion caught her before, the one who'd won her heart. She vowed never to take her ashen heart down off the shelf for another, if it were intentionaly or not. Her daggers struck the ground as if they were that of drumming, as she snorted wildly, the smog rolled from her paper-like nares, tossing her head her silken mane seemed to fall back in place perfectly, almost sending the sun-colored sparks into the atmosphere about her. She thundered forward, her speed was that of the small lead peice that took lives in the blink of an eye. Her silver lining of royalty caught every possible ray of sun, she seemed to be a running dream. Her tea-cupped cranium raised high, a star gazer she was. She galloped on speeding through the territory, exiting it as quick as she had come into it.

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