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Date Posted: 16:03:21 07/01/02 Mon
Author: Qånsåi
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Subject: .h.a.l.l.u.c.i.n.a.t.e.
In reply to: fate & destiny 's message, ".the.cube." on 02:21:29 06/24/02 Mon

. the female continued her turtle form, and moved 'long the beach with slow precaution, as a turtle does . the eggs were safely in their place, soon to begin life alone . she paused a moment, something out of the ordinary was spotted once more . she was on the lookout, so to speak - the islands were deserted except for those of the amphibian creed - the turtles, that is - and herself . so it was natural to ask what had caused that this island was so lonely? . of course, equine couldn't get here, nor could wolves, for they were unable to swim as far as she had . but there were others of her kind - shapeshifters, that is . and they were nowhere to be found! . she was the curious type, and so she explored . this island was very well made for the exploring type . she moved along, and that was when she spotted the small box . it was covered with designs, and very peculiar designs, at that . with some difficulty - she was a turtle, after all - she opened one side . it revealed a box, the same pattern . she closed it, and nudged open a second . it too, was a box of the pattern which graced the outside . she was astounded by this contraption, and things that astound people often make them want it . so was it with the turtle-shaped female . she rolled it along the sand carefully . there was a problem again! . this was not as small as the pearls, and would not be nearly as comfortable as the pearls were in her kangaroo pouch . she needed something else . she thought a moment, then changed to a koala . another pouch . she would run out of marsupials eventually, but for now, the box was safely deposited, and she was a turtle once more, quick as lightning . it was important she didn't have to be as slow as a turtle while changing into other things . or it would take forever! . she was getting somewhat bored with the turtle life, but she stayed around anyways, not yet ready to swim back .

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