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Date Posted: 14:56:56 08/02/02 Fri
Author: Qånsåi
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Subject: .h.a.l.l.u.c.i.n.a.t.e.
In reply to: fate & destiny 's message, ".the.feast." on 02:18:04 06/24/02 Mon

. being a turtle was somewhat boring . you don't do much, after all . you don't really do much of anything . she moved slowly - for a turtle moves slowly - around the small island south of the mainland, alert depths searching for more of the treasure she found so prevalent along the land . orics alight on a sparkling rock of sorts, and legs that felt as if 100 pound weights moved toward it . a few decades later - or at least it seemed that long - she reached the destination, and wise pools inspected it . a good find, it seemed, though she knew not its power . near it grew a fruitful tree, which interested her on the island so full of turtles, for there were still fruits left upon it, not eaten away as they might be . head touched the spiralled rock, then she pushed it away . now .. what to do with this? . no good solution seemed forthcoming, and so she pushed it farther inland, studying it all the while . finally, she buried it, as turtles will do, and placed herself over it until she could think of a solution to fit that particular treasure .

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