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. the shapeshifter was once again a turtle, as she began to make the journey back to the shores of deven verma after their adventure . when they got back, it would be nice to be something other than a turtle . she found turtles deathly boring, and somewhat slow . well ... obviously . the water was cold, the winter sun unable to reach the depths as she swum along, finally able to see the rough beaches of deven verma, the southern ocean licking at its shores . she climbed up onto the sandy loam, looking around for dangers before shifting into equine form once more . spin she followed her mother, the quiet young shapeshifter, swimming strongly through the waters, looking around for her sister, Qqali . They were close, and as Qqali swam up beside her, she laughed and swam on . upon reaching the shores of deven verma, she looked around in wonder, then took a deep breath, following her mother into equine form ]quintessential[ ]she swam alongside Yyaln silently, her strokes long and strong as they glided toward deven verma . she, too, gazed in awe at deven verma, before shifting to equine form .the whispers .the turtle followed her sisters and mother, taking a leisurely pace toward deven verma . upon reaching it, she climbed upon the sandy beach |