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Date Posted: 16:10:56 04/14/03 Mon
Author: Kim
Subject: Horrible ACTORS CURSE - Hey jan talked in chat....

Hey Jan, we talked in the chat room about the most interesting new stars, rmember?
well check this out!



Star actor survives HORRIFYING Curse ( Warning!)

By Lady Jane ( as relayed from Dr. Andreus-Paaker )

THE KNOWN: Millions of folks worldwide are aware of new action star / director William Blair.

THE UNKNOWN: But a growing question begs an answer: When will his two highly awaited freshman features, REVENGE RIDER and AGENT ACTION!, be released?

[ [ The answer may shock you senseless .] ]

The William Blair CURSE, ( WARNING - read at your own peril!)

By now it's well known the "Blair Witch" filmmakers pulled a stunt on web Surfers worldwide, with their fabricated witch tale. But what's coming to unwelcome light is the WILLIAM Blair Curse - which may prove 100 % real (no relation to former) and far more terrifying.

Folks want to know why William Blair, star (and director) of the hot new action feature, REVENGE RIDER, was nearly killed on set. Testimonies from Bit players present ( Active American Servicemen) claim they actually
saw the devil appear nightly. One swears Blair was the devil himself. But what explains why a bloodied and pulseless Blair, had to be rushed to emergency?

None of these shocks are new to William. Sure, his first award winning 16 mm short At first seemed successful. He and his young production team were the toast of the City. Blair starred as a high school drug dealer, and co-directed. But what caused the horrible death of one of the young producers ( within the year)? And what
caused their High school to burn to the ground even sooner?

NEXT: The CURSE follows Blair to Hollywood. It seemed like a great idea: Announce the completed 35 mm featurette (co-starring Blair ) to all the world - with a flashy Hollywood Billboard! But what caused the celebrated billboard painter - allegedly hand painting Blair's face at the time - to fall to his untimely death - high above
tinsel town? Then, why did the terrified major Star pull out ?

"Other horrifying and spine chilling reminders of this Curse exist, but are best sealed in the now buried Pandora's box," says Blair. "Yes I have seen legions of the hideous undead: screaming, crawling, and eating human flesh in all major cities on Earth" Blair cautions," But God willing these prophecies are now buried forever."

William Blair is now completely well. Thankfully, a recent Exorcism has totally cleansed him of this wicked curse. "I've never felt better" says Blair, " It's like an ancient, psychic iron maiden has ejected me!"

The WARNING? "One might think that anyone just reading these facts can't be harmed," says Blair, "but that may not be true." " I have been specifically warned: do NOT look at my face within 48 hours of learning of this curse" { For that reason no picture is posted here) "You do not want to be enslaved into the horrors of the Eternally damned."

So, when will REVENGE RIDER and AGENT ACTION! be released?

NEWS: All Blair will say is some shocking new facts have just come to light. These may include:

1. A blood chilling discovery in the editing room.
2. A frightening link to the cursed Lee family: the late
superstar Bruce Lee, and the Crow's Brandon.
3. A terrifying announcement Blair may soon make.

- - - - -

WARNING: Do not view his face or search for his site within 48 hours!


Religions worldwide may ban his upcoming two features


You may choose to support this ban.

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