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Subject: Quarterly Survey/News Letter

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Date Posted: 08:19:42 04/18/03 Fri

Ok guys... i'm trying to help you all out by doing what you ask so here's how you let me know what you want.

1. Since this is more of an eventing(dressage, eventing, and Show jumping) board do you still want breed classes(will not be done for the Eventing Classes... that would take forever.) The Breed classes take longer to fill up and I have to wait untill there is atleast 2 barns or 15 horses before I can close it, and then I have to do results. If this is left as an ALL Breed board then i think I can get more shows in than I have been doing. Let me know what you think though.

2. My Fox hunts have moved to my other board. I think most of you have found them. I'm planing to leave the results up untill they rotate into the Archive... that way I won't have to keep track of them on my hard drive. I'm sorry I didn't do a barn results for Show Jumping. I screwed up but I promise there will be one for next year.

3. How did you like how I did the Barn results? I tried to make sure that everyone had a shot at it. Just some barns enter more horses in a Division than others...Do you have an Idea on a better format(ie # horses/#classes they entered or vice versa).

4.What is something good I can give out without empting my barn for fillin out this or winning other contests or other surveys? I'm running out of ideas. I gave out Hound pups for one but I don't want to empty my kennels either. So any Ideas would be great.

5. How do you guys like the idea of having an invitaional event? I would e-mail you with all the stuff(class info and such) and you would just come and respond under a message labeled invitaional. Just Let me know.

6. Would you like to hae a Championship show... where all the horses who competed here over the past year are entered(by me) according to how much they won. The more they've won the more chance they have of winning the Champ. i'll figure out more details on it if we decide that is something that you all would want.

7. Oh yea, on the barn results... would you like to have an Overall Division.(Basically the barn that earns the most points for that show wins... of course there will be a runner-up and maybe a 1st place.[Champ, runner-up, 1st...] just however many you think is ok.) And should we have a minimum for the award... basically they would have to enter 10 horses in a division to be eligable(other wise the little ones are wasting my time in adding them all up).

8. Anything else?

I know this was long but I think that I covered most everything that I wanted to cover. If not look for another message from me.
Email me at candygurl2003@yahoo.com
in subjet line put: RS Eventing Board Question

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I love how no one has answered this.Lorien07:51:20 05/30/03 Fri

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