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Subject: Earth probably had two evolutions leading to advanced life forms

Knut Holt
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Date Posted: 04:36:50 03/22/17 Wed

Up until ca 30 years ago there was a period with yearly rising temperatures, which occurs naturally in periods anyway.

Since then it has become gradually colder. All honest collection of data show that.

Also the polar ice caps have generally become wider, but have gone back on a few places.

These few places hav been heavily used by the global warming activists and the global elite to advocate the false claim of global warming.

Symptomatic is the expedition to Antarctica with the purpose of document the ice melting, that was suddenly frosen inside ice on all directions and got stuffed there.

People living in vaste areas of the Northern hemisphere also have experienced steadily colder winters, and colder summers too, with a few exceptions that are used as false proof of global warming.

You cannot trust the elite and what the elite is telling you, and that also holds for global warming.

Look around you and see what is happening. Most of you will se that this is not global warming.

Knut Holt


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