Subject: Re: My LuLu girl has recently lost weight - about 3 lbs over the past few months. |
Lee A. McCartney
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Date Posted: 10:52:56 04/30/09 Thu
In reply to:
's message, "Re: My LuLu girl has recently lost weight - about 3 lbs over the past few months." on 08:21:28 04/30/09 Thu
They have her on a renal diet (K/D) yet you indicate it's liver enzymes that are elevated. While it's true that liver disease, just as kidney disease, needs a lower protein food, this food is crap and is not meant for long term diet (though your vet will tell you differently). I recommend you join one of the K9 liver or K9 Kideny yahoo groups (or both dependent upon lab values). There you will find loads of information, communicate with others who have experience with the specific disease, and be provided with some wonderful alternatives to the crappy Rx diets marketed to vets and the general public. HOme cooking will cost you far less than the K/D (or other Rx foods) and will me much more nutritious and balanced overall.
I would love to see the bloodwork lab results to see exactly what is going on. Renal values are BUN,creatinine & phosphorus; liver is ALT, ALP, AST, bilirubin, glucose, urea, electrolyte levels, albumin, globulin and bile acid levels. The bile acid levels should be checked on an empty stomach and two hours after feeding. All these values, with the exception of the bile acids, usually are included on a standard Small Animal Data Base Screen.
In the interim, I would suggest starting this girl on a milk thistle supplement, Sam-E supplement, and the following liver cleansing diet created by one of the foremost vets in the country, Dr. Jeanne Dodds.
IN addition, I would probably spend the extra $$ to have a full blood panel run again and provided to Dr. Dodds (HemoPet) for her evaluation and assessment.
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