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Subject: Re: I have two cresteds that I am taking to the pound if I cannot find help

Robin Thorbjornsen
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Date Posted: 08:36:45 07/19/09 Sun
In reply to: Robin Thorbjornsen- President Crest-Care Inc. 's message, "Re: I have two cresteds that I am taking to the pound if I cannot find help" on 08:50:24 07/10/09 Fri

This is why we ALWAYS require veterinarian information from anyone wishing to surrender a dog to us. We seek this information to find out any health issues the dog has, as well how many dogs the person surrendering still has intact, and how many puppies they have hitting the ground.
It is very sad that you have the ROOM to bring all of your Chihuahua breeding stock with you to your new location, and your CHINESE CRESTED puppies you have up for sale for $800 each (your ad is below), and yet you do not have room for one male and one female crested at your new location.??? THIS SPEAKS VOLUMES. So sad that someone who professes to love the breed would even think about dumping them into a kill shelter. I honestly don;t know how you sleep at night, and you call yourself a Christian.

Address: Evans, GA, 30809
Date Listed: Jul-18-09

Hairless Chinese Crested Puppies. 2 females and one male. will be ready to go around end of August. Still very young. Reserve yours now. Champion bloodlines, proven show lines

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Re: I have two cresteds that I am taking to the pound if I cannot find helpLee McCartney09:09:52 07/19/09 Sun

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