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Subject: Need help with aggression!

Sandra George (frightened)
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Date Posted: 07:08:11 03/19/11 Sat

I have a four year old neutered male HHL that we adopted about a year and a half ago from a rescue. The rescue told us he was rescued from a puppy mill. He's always been a bit standoffish to other people, although good with my husband and myself. He's also always growled at other dogs but never attacked one, although we already had another dog (female) when we took him in. About four months ago, we took in a yorkie female and poodle mix male who had been abandoned. We later realized the Yorkie was pregnant, and about five weeks ago she gave birth to four puppies (if you're keeping count, that makes eight dogs). Over the past two weeks, the crested has been becoming increasingly aggressive toward the poodle mix male (but none shown toward the puppies or the females), and last night he attacked the poodle. The poodle fought back, and now my crested boy has some bruises and scrapes (nothing serious injury-wise), but we are TERRIFIED. We need help desperately. My husband would like to rehome him to someone with no male dogs.

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