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Subject: Re: Stolen or Lost Chinese Crested

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Date Posted: 14:33:17 05/31/11 Tue
In reply to: Kristi Evenson 's message, "Stolen or Lost Chinese Crested" on 22:06:55 04/12/11 Tue

i am so sorry to hear about your dog. did you ever find him? i wanted to ask you in a polite way if you would consider another chinese crested? i mean respectfully. i'm in a difficult situation. i live in salem, oregon. my 2 oldest daughters live in texas. one of them bought a chinese crested last year, he was born in august of 2010. she lives in a small apt. and was not able to properly take care of him. the dog then went to the my other daughter who currently is still caring for the dog but already has 7 little dogs of her own. we have been looking for several months in texas and outside the state with no luck. i accidentally stumbled upon the posts on a rescue sight and read yours...maybe fate?...lol i don't know how it would work out but, would you consider the adoption, if the fit were right? if not, do you have any suggestions for help. we've had no luck with rescue sites, ads, or shelters. we've interviewed a few people. some were too overwhelmed with the dogs hyperactivity, some just didn't call back. thank you for allowing me this time to share with a complete stranger..lol thanks for listening.
dustie c.
salem, oregon

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