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Subject: Peacock Book and Coins

Mel Wacks
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Date Posted: 15:52:42 01/26/05 Wed

Peacock lovers will be interested in a beautiful book containing actual mint quality Peacock postage stamps that were inspired by an ancient Chinese painting of two peacocks in a garden … published by The Directorate General of Posts, Republic of China. The painting was created in 1758 by an Italian Jesuit missionary who lived in China from the age of 27. Giuseppe Castiglione served in the royal court of Emperor Ch’ien-lung for half a century, and adopted the name of Lang Shih-ning. The book pictures his peacock hanging scroll in full color, along with a complete set of 1991 stamps: First Day Cover, a mint pair of stamps, and a souvenir sheet. The book also pictures paintings by Castiglione featuring different breeds of dogs and horses. The book “Ancient Chinese Painting Peacocks Postage Stamps Pictorial” is being offered for the first time in the United States at $19.95 by PandaAmerica.

PandaAmerica is also offering pure gold coins issued by China, based on Castiglione’s famous peacock painting. These prooflike brilliant uncirculated legal tender coins are available in two sizes – 1/10 oz. (18mm) for $79 and 1/4 oz. (22mm) for $189. A free copy of the book accompanies each coin purchased.

For picture of coin see: http://www.pandaamerica.com/upd_images/1993chinapeacock25yuan.jpg

To order these peacock specials on your credit card call (800) 472-6327 or e-mail info@pandaamerica.com or order on our web site www.pandaamerica.com (search on “peacock”). Or you can send check or money order to PandaAmerica, 3460 Torrance Blvd., Suite 100, Torrance, CA 90503. For shipping and insurance within USA add $5.50 per order. California residents add 8.25% sales tax. Please request payment methods and shipping charges for overseas delivery.

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