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Subject: Deep In The Heart Of Magic..

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Date Posted: 16:55:09 11/25/02 Mon

:Kunayma..Kunayma..it rings around the world every day...driving mundane creatures to do acts of death they would never normally even seriously consider...but when they can't be found..they're not dead...oh no...not with Kunayma. Death is not an option for these chosen few. They have been neatly plucked from the mundane world, and deposited upon the isolated, mist-shrouded isle of Kunayma. Kunayma, you say? What jibberish is that insane person speaking? You shall soon see, you wanderer. Kunayma is the world where life meets death, magic is in more than just fairy-tales, and chaos abounds. The logic? Simple. There is none. Normal mundane laws do not apply here. Werewolves prowl in the underbrush of the wilderness as unicorns fight back, and mixbreeds quarrel amongst themselves, deciding to join one side or the other. But, you say, this isle is so peaceful! How could all this you say possibly be true? Oh but it is. It is not an evil isle, no, but the unwary traveler beware. For you may not have accidentally stumbled upon this place...oh no..nothing happens by accident..not in Kunayma..as you will soon see....whether you wish to or not..

-Kunayma is a unicorn/werewolf based RPG with no riduculous magical things such as vivid purple unicorns with little rainbow tattoes on their flanks who spend all day in a flower-filled vale prancing and leaping after butterflies. N-O. No.-

-Advanced/Intermidiate RP'ing skills-
-Imagination to spare-
-Thirst for adventure-
-Love of suspense and peril-
-Chaotic inclination-
-Century Gothic font-
-Size 1-


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