Tarnished Dream's Helper
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Date Posted: 14:15:47 12/04/02 Wed
Tarnished Dream 2.0 |
Straight Forward
Tarnished Dream 2.0 has been running since September 15. We don‘t have many members, but the ones we do have are extremely active. As keLLi, player of Rumex Ruta, I know I have 21 ACTIVE members {not counting those inactive} but the Eastern Realm needs members too! Updates are done at least once a week, and I feel we have lots of potential once we get more members. So that‘s what we are striving for. Come by and check us out sometime. Rumex Ruta still seeks a king. 
Game Info
As already said, both Queens are searching for Kings. This game is evil vs evil for an interesting twist. We have raids often. We do have the idea of capturing, though we rely more on battling than capturing. There is an interesting territory system that I have established in my side, yet Suzanne‘s side is equally interesting. If you‘re looking for a certain type of RPG, one of our sides will have what you‘re looking for, because we are so different. This game is for Intermediate to Advanced RPGers. That doesn‘t mean you have to talk Latin and write in poetry form. It simply means throw a couple creative words in, some interesting plots, and some outstanding activity.
Come check us out sometime, we’re [usually ] friendly.
Tarnished Dream 2.0
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