The mists only know what lies within the heart of the land, but those whom were there have passed it on by word of tongue over the years. Here is the legend of which they so speak...
There is a place called Avalon, a place which many say has been conjured up by the equine oracle Event Horizon, although in reality it has just drifted away from the real world, physically and in other ways. It is shrouded in mist, and only those who know the one word of power can enter and see beyond.
Event Horizon, the mysterious prophet who is rarely seen, has resided in Avalon for countless years. Although his very presence strikes fear into even the most bold's heart, his status meant nothing to many, so he was simply a wanderer, as was his preference. He asked the Goddess for others, to keep him company, and so she sent Tatu, a talented young mare who had much wisdom for her age. Event Horizon consulted her for many things, and finding her to be almost as sage as him, gave her free rein over many things.
Tatu established an order of sorcerous beauts, called the Illusia, which would take in young mares and fillies who had the Sight, and develop them into great priestesses. But that was a separate story.
Before Avalon had drifted entirely away from reality, a young lord called Cathaoil came, and founded a sort of monarchy, such as the old kings and queens of Great Britain would have. He did not respect Nature, one of the Goddess's many forms, and so Tatu came to him, proposing that he take the vows of the Great Marriage and bind himself to the land he lived upon. To do this, he and the Lady of the Lake would come together, as the God and the Goddess, and the spawn the Lady bore would be the symbol of the promise to the land, that the king must keep. And so they did this, and Tatu bore a son, whom she left with Cathaoil, since it was proper he should be fostered by someone else. Who better than his own father?
Cathaoil longed for more power, although he was not the controlling type. So he whispered to the migrant birds his wishes, and others of his ilk began to drift in. Event Horizon and Tatu had no problem with this, as long as chaos didn't erupt from it. But if one was made king under Cathaoil, he would have to make the Great Marriage to the land, and couple with Tatu, and it would be so with each succeeding king and Lady.
And so Avalon hangs, suspended between reality and dreams. With the incoming outsiders, as long as they follow the Goddess's will, Avalon will never entirely fade away. But it is up to Cathaoil to rule his subjects well, or else the island will truly not exist, except in memories.
This site is new, and still undergoing some changes. It is alright for people to join and begin roleplay, though, so please check it out. There is still at least one terra open, and many ranks to be filled in the others.