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Chaos Cavern
Far beyond the outskirts of Rainier, far beyond even the ColdFire Volcano, lies a series of large, spike-like projections, jagged and tall like claws sticking out of the ground...this place is barren, cruel, and intimidating to even a trained warrior...At it's heart lies an enormous cavern, covered in moss, vines, and thorns, the only plant life out there, and the opening leads into a great number of sinuous passages, some leading into rooms, and some leading into traps. Death traps that is. At the very center of this labryrinth of a cave lies a giant room, with many ledges and selves, the topmost one being twenty feet in diameter, resembling an attic of stone, with only a small hole as an entrance. This is where the demon Chaos lives, this cave, with rivulets of lava criss-crossing its path, overrun with shadow stalkers, whom know better than to bother Chaos, as well as goldenrod Grand Dukes, the wedge-headed monters that once killed Eve, but there isn just one here, there are several, intelligent, cunning, swift, strong, and Chaos doesnt feed them, so they either eat eachother, or any strangers...at any given time, the pinnocle claw towers outside can move, change, or re-position themselves, stone being one of the demon's controllable elements...it is said though, that anyone who can make it to the center, UNTOUCHED, will have a chance to learn from him, though he is no teacher, he will merely transfer the way to do something into your mind, then will teleport you outside, where you started...this doesnt bother him, because he has NEVER HAD TO DO IT. No one has ever made it to the center, untouched that is...anyone that has even been scraped by something, will be punished for tresspassing in his domain, and will either kill you, or terribly injure you, depending on just how many cuts you have....

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