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Date Posted: 09:04:24 06/12/02 Wed
Author: Chaos and Hiei~huggles my special Hiei action figure^.^ ^.^~
Subject: Re: ~a figure enters the main chamber of Chaos's lair...~
In reply to: ....Two of me....Yeah. 's message, "Re: ~a figure enters the main chamber of Chaos's lair...~" on 06:23:37 06/12/02 Wed

((Yeah I know! Those funimstion guys do the voices for all their shows...DBZ and Yu Yu Hakusho are basically the same...Sean Schemmel who does Goku, Gohan, and grown up Trunks in GT does the main character's voice, Yusuke Yuremeshe....o0))
Chaos:"So.....I take it your a man of few words....you dont talk much..." ~Hiei nods, he being just that~ Chaos:"But Im guessing you came here for a different reason....finding me just wont cut it..." Hiei:"......." Chaos:"Well, speak up! Its not like anyone is listening!" Hiei:"I have my secrets. Why did you come here?" Chaos:"I came here to kill Kharnak. But now my main thing is getting to that b**** that trapped me in that cube!" ~Hiei listens, then there is a large pause before he speaks again....~ Hiei:"You shouldnt disturb that particular saiyin.....there is far more than meets the eye..." Chaos:"Yeah well guess what? I speacialize in killing saiyins!" Hiei:"But she speacializes in killing men....so Im sure that has no effect on you." ~it takes a few moments for Chaos to catch that, and then a few moments of his time are wasted on laughing...~ Chaos:"Was that a joke? Youll need to do better." Hiei:"Ive never been good at emotions...." Chaos:"OH..."

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