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Subject: Next Chapter!

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Date Posted: 11:29:46 07/12/02 Fri

“Well,” Eldauramine yawned, “We have talked for many hours. I do believe I shall fall into a deep slumber. I am exhausted. Goodnight everyone.”
“Goodnight,” Limnauth said.
“Sleep well my sister,” Legolas smiled.
Yexseldo stood up and wrapped his arms around her, “See you in the morning my love.”
“Goodnight Eldaura,” Anwayende said as she stood up, “I too shall go to rest, but only after I see my Tatyalasse.”
They all said goodnight to each other and they each went their separate ways.
Anwayende walked into her sister’s room and sat upon the side of her bed. “Hey Las.”
“Aunnie,” Tatyalasse smiled. “When am I going to be able to get out of here?”
“Hopefully sooner rather than later,” Anwayende touched her sister’s face. “I love you Las.”
“I know,” Tatyalasse smiled, “I love you too.”
“Well, I am going to bed now. I shall see you in the morning,” Anwayende said.
Tatyalasse nodded and quickly fell asleep. Anwayende stood from her bedside and made her way to her own room.
The next morning, Eldaura and Yexseldo were the first to wake. Yexseldo made his way to Eldaura’s room. There, he found her sitting up in her bed.
“Good morning beautiful,” he said.
Eldaura looked up, “Good morning!” she smiled. “Come here.”
He walked over and sat down next to her. “What are you doing awake?”
“Just thinking,” Eldaura replied.
“What about?” he questioned.
“Us,” she stated.
Yexseldo looked at her, “What about us?”
“Our wedding,” she smiled. “I am so confused. I love you more than anything in this world, and I do want to spend all eternity with you, but I don’t know I’m ready to actually get married. I’m still young.”
“Hey,” he placed his hands on her cheeks. “I love you so much Eldaura. You can have all the time in the world to decide this. No matter how long we wait, I still love you just the same.”
Eldauramine smiled, “Really?”
Yexseldo pulled her closer and he kissed her lips passionately. “Of course.”
Eldauramine smiled, “Do you know how much I love you?”
“Ah my dear, not nearly as much as I love you, I can tell you that right now,” he replied.
“Oh but you’re wrong. I love you more,” Eldaura teased.
“Before this goes on any farther, I hear foot steps, other people are awake. Lets go get something to eat Eldaura,” he stood from her bed, “And I love you more.” Before Eldaura could reply, he had slipped out of her room. Eldauramine went through her closet and picked out a light blue dress. She then went into Anwayende’s room. Anwayende was sitting on a chair in front of her desk, brushing her hair.
“Hey Aunnie!” Eldaura said as she threw herself onto Anwayende’s bed.
“Why are you so happy?” Anwayende smiled as she jumped on the bed next to Eldaura.
“I just talked to Yexseldo,” Eldauramine said.
“And?” Aunnie asked.
“And he does not mind waiting to get married. He said that he still loves me!” Eldauramine laughed.
Within no time at all, both Anwayende and Eldauramine were in a hyper and happy mood. They were both laughing and telling jokes. They were both jumping up and down on the bed, as if it were a trampoline.
Legolas and Yexseldo heard all the noise so they opened Aunnie’s door and saw the two acting like they were very young again. Yexseldo and Legolas looked at each other, and they couldn’t help but start laughing. Eldauramine heard them laugh and she and Anwayende quickly looked at the door. Legolas and Yexseldo were laughing so hard they had to hold onto the door to keep from falling.
Eldaura looked at Anwayende. “Lets get em!” Eldauramine laughed. She and Anwayende jumped off the bed and Legolas and Yexseldo quickly tried to run away. The two maidens were chasing Yexseldo and Legolas down the halls, and they all made their ways outside. Anwayende and Eldauramine were still chasing them as they ran through the fields.
“You go right! I’ll go left!” Yexseldo called to Legolas as they were running from the maidens.
“Okay!” Legolas called back as he ran to the right and Yexseldo turned left. Eldauramine took after Yexseldo and Anwayende took after Legolas.
Eldauramine finally managed to get close enough to Yexseldo, so she jumped into him, knocking him to the ground. They were both laughing harder than they had in a while. “I got you!” Eldaura laughed.
“Yes, you did, finally,” he replied. They were both lying on the ground looking up at the clouds in the sky. Yexseldo put his arm around Eldauramine.
Finally, Anwayende had Legolas cornered. “Just give up. You can’t go anywhere.”
“No way,” he laughed. “I never give up.”
“Whatever you say,” she quickly lunged forward, but he quickly moved and managed to grab her hands and place them behind her back.
“Oh, I think I won,” Legolas teased.
“Not fair, you cheated,” she laughed as she tried to break her hands away from his grip.
“Come on,” Legolas laughed, “I must bring my prisoner to Yexseldo.”
He walked her back to where Eldauramine and Yexseldo were naming the shapes of the clouds.
“See, it’s a fish,” Eldauramine said.
“No, it’s a man holding a bow,” Yexseldo corrected.
“Are we interrupting something?” Legolas asked.
“Not at all,” Eldauramine smiled. “Come name shapes with us.”
Anwayende shrugged, “Okay.” She lay down beside Eldauramine, and Yexseldo lay down beside Anwayende. The four of them named the shapes of the clouds and argued about the shapes for a couple of hours, until it started to rain.

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