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Subject: Re: process speech

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Date Posted: 07:08:06 06/14/02 Fri
In reply to: Dannette 's message, "process speech" on 17:03:30 06/12/02 Wed

man, dannette, that's impressive!!!!!

>hey! this has nothing to do with our group speech but I
>thought maybe some of you needed ideas for our process
>speech tomarrow so here you go:
>How To
>How keep a car in good running condition
>How to travel abroad on limited means
>How to Collect sports cards as a financial investment
>How to do Rock collecting as a hobby
>How to yoga
>How to repair the glass in wood frame windows
>A demonstration of Korean Taekwondo karate
>How to buy a used car
>How to gain admission to the United States as an
>Avoid athletic injuries
>Avoid food poisoning
>LIft properly
>Avoid home burglary
>Avoid hypothermia
>Avoid repetitive stress
>Build a campfire
>Set up a safe campsite
>Child-proof a home
>Color one’s hair
>Cook _____ (a favorite dish)
>Clean a car
>Clean CDs and CD players
>Clean silverware
>Clean a computer
>Teach an infant sign language
>Cure hiccups
>Dress for a job interview
>Dress for cold weather
>Exercise without pain
>Giftwrap a present
>Hang a picture
>Repair a cracked windshield
>Hide items from burglars
>Identify a poisonous insect
>Identify a plant (such as ginseng)
>Jumpstart a car
>Lift heavy objects correctly
>Make a salad
>Make candles
>Make Christmas tree ornaments
>Make gift baskets
>Make cookies in a jar
>Make homemade paper
>Open a coconut
>Select produce
>Pack a lunch a child will eat
>Package fragile items
>Perform a card trick
>Perform self-defense moves
>Perform the Heimlich maneuver
>Properly do several exercises
> Put out kitchen fires
>Use a fire exstinguisher
> Remove a stain
>Shine leather shoes
>Start a garden
>Stock and maintain an aquarium
> Take care of an unusual pet
> Tip in restaurants
>Maintain a garden
>Wear a Sari
>Use Acupressure techniques
>Make a fossil
>Make chemical free insect traps
>Classify Antiques
>Do first Aid
>Paint with Flowers
>Formally file a complaint
>Register at the U of A
>Use mindmapping
>Participate in search and rescue
>Garnish food
>Trashcan Garden Perform aerobics
>Various dance steps
>Set up tent
>Take your blood pressure
>Fold a flag
>Make paper swan
>Write a resume
>Analyze Handwriting
>Select Wine
>Tape ankles to prevent injury
>Read body language
>Repair drywall
>Bathe a new baby (use a doll)
>Make a candle
>Change your oil
>Service your car
>Clean various laundry stains
>Fix broken stuff
>Get money for college
>Use a casting rod
>Catch various types of fish
>Use antitheft device
>Defend against an attack
>Shingle a roof
>Cut vacation costs
>Protect against identity theft
>Set a formal table
>Fold fancy dinner napkins
>Make a paper rose
>Decorate a cake
>Use a planner
>Buy a house
>Wrap presents and make bows
>Make ceramics
>Flower decorating
>Make your own gifts
>Create ornaments
>Make stained glass
>Make wreaths from pine cones
>Make a scrapbook
>Make animals form balloons
>Make a Caesar salad
>Make a rag doll
>Make an omelet
>Perform card tricks
>make paper
>make a pillow
>make a fossil
>Make a food
>Repair drywall
>vaccinate your own pet (Don't bring in the pet)
>How to grow certain plants
>create a fire escape plan
>Organize and research baseball cards/stamps/coins
>Do creative scrapbooking
>cut hair
>Make signs
>Make a quilt
>Identify counterfeit money
>Wood carve signs
>Draw Cartoons
>Eat lobster
>Coordinate a wardrobe
>Save money with coupons
>Shop online
>Pack suitcase
>Do a safety check on your car
>Plant a herb garden
>Check if a car is a lemon
>Make your own CD's

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