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Date Posted: 14:40:34 06/22/02 Sat
Author: Kor Nimbari & Ki-Ami Wyygo
Subject: Training Day

The two walked into the center of the great hall, now obvious why the cahirs encircled it. This, not only was it a meeting place, was the training hall, hwere the padawans are tested on thier force power, and judged on weather they will be Jedi, or outcast. The two got to the center of the, and in the exact center of the hall, a hatch opend up, and out flew a small orb, the remote trainning device.

Now Kor, activate your lightsaber, and block the blaster fire.

Kor nodded, and quickly grabbed for his lightsaber, igniting it, and walked and faced the remote device. Softly, it floated through the air, Kor's eyes fallowing it's every move, and then, it fired.

The orange blast came quickly, errupting towards Kor, but swiftly, the new Jedi reflected the blast, and it went blasting into the near by wall.

Very good my young padawan, now, for somthing a little harder.

Kor looked puzzled as all the sudden, the remote deivce began to blitz across the trainning hall, firing a barage of blasts at Kor, who managed to deflect a few, bt many got throgyh, impacting on Kor's body, and leaving painful stings. Kor began to focus now, as some rage shown through his calm exterior, but it was quickly repressed. The remore began it's deadly assault again, but this timeKor was ready. blast after blast, the remote fired, only this time, Kor blcoked every shot, with amazing speed. To him, it was like he saw the blast coming before it was fired. The remote continued it's volly, and Kor continued his training, blocking every shot. Finally, the remote gave off on last blast, and with a gracful swinging motion, Kor deflected the shot back at the remote, hitting it, and sending it crashing into the floor.

Ki-Ami just laughed and clapped as he walked up to Kor.

Very good young one. But now, try this

Ki-Ami placed a weird looking helmet on Kor's head, that with a blast sheild, Kor was now blind to everything around him.

Now this is poitless. With the blast sheild down, I'll be pelted. How is this supposed to help? Kor asked defiently.

A Jedi's power flows from the force young one. Use it to deflect the blasts. Eyes are nothing more then a burden in this exercise.

and Ki-Ami stepped back, as out of the floor, 5 remote trainning devices arose, and took up position around Kor in a deadly pentagon. Then, as the first, they began to fly around madly. Kor could hear them wizzing around, and finally, he shut his eyes, and relied on his skills. It was like nothing he ever felt as a strange power began to flow through him. Finally, the remotes began to fire, but no shot landed. Kor, now tuned into his force powers, began twirling around, blocking every volly, and sending the blasts deflecting into the walls and roof. It had seemed like Kor was standing there for hours, deflecting blast after blast, finaly deflecting 5 incoming blasts back to their respecting remotes, sending each shorting out and crashing to the floor. It was over.

Kor took off the helmet, proud of what he had done, and he turned towards Ki-Ami

Ki-Ami, I've---

but no one was there. Kor spun around to see if anyone was in the hall, but there was no one. Then, a vioce came up.

Now for some live sparing.

That was all the warning Ki-Ami gave Kor as he rushed in from the walls, and swiped at Kor with his lightsaber. Kor was now much quicker, and easily blocked the incoming blade. Ki-Ami's lightsaber was much like his, a perfect silver shaft, only his looked like it hade four claws attached to the ignition point of the lightsaber. His blade was also much different. It was green compared to Kor's silver blade.

Swiftly, Kor pushed Ki-Ami back, and took up the defeansive. Quickly, Ki-Ami charged at Kor again, unleashing attack after attack upon him. Each time however, Kor managed to either dodge of block the blade. Ki-Ami attacked again, this time both blades met, and Ki-Ami pushed Kor up against the wall behind them. To Kor, it seemed almost finished. Both blades we coming closer and closer to his neck as his strength gave out, but soon, with a great force of nergy, Kor pushed Ki-Ami from him, and Kor went on the attack.

Kor charged, and began swipping madly at his master, each time Ki-Ami block the blade. However, while both balds were locked. Kor thrust his hand forward, and wit ha great boom, somehow sending the Jedi master flying across the room, landing on the hard stone floor, his light saber retracted. Kor then charged, his lightsaber at his side, jumped, and landed above Ki-Ami, swiping his lightsaber down madly. But before it reached the Jedi's neck, Kor stopped his blade, and retracted it.

Kor then stepped from ontop of Ki-Ami, and helped him to his feet.

What exactly do you think you're doing? I almost killed you!

Live experience my young Padawan. You just survived and beat your master in your first Jedi duel. No Jedi has ever done that. You've accomplished a lot in just the few days you've been here. And you also aquired a new ability, the force throw. Packed quite a wallop too! Ki-Ami rubbed his chest, it was in some pain from the force throw layed upon him.

So, this was all a test?

A test, no. This was the first trial on your way to becoming a Jedi. Now that you've passed it, we must move on to the next, much more harder, trial.

And the two walked out of the great hall, and onto the temple steps, the next trail coming very soon...

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