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Subject: Wouldnt it be nice...

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Date Posted: 07:38:43 11/08/00 Wed
In reply to: fate_777 's message, "Re: so now you're a hippy???LOL" on 13:40:30 11/07/00 Tue

Wouldnt it be nice if we would let the police handle the drug dealers their own way? Im talking back to that group in LA who dealt with the drug dealers and gang bangers. Maybe our courts should be aloud to break bones as sentace. For drug trafficing, your right arm will be broke along the forearm by a trained doctor, with no anastetics! :> I bet that would keep people from peddling their shit.

> allow me to speak from a police point of view on this
> one....the current drug laws and enforcement DO NOT
> WORK. It sad when it all reality its a waste of our
> time to arrest nickel and dime dealers because when
> its all said and done they wont get anything out of it
> anyway and we wasted a couple hours of our life for
> nothing. I DONT beleive all drugs should be legal, BUT
> I do think making pot legal would not hurt anyone, it
> is the main drug we waste our time on, so to get rid
> of that would free up more police to worry about worse
> drugs, coke, heroin ect.

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