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Subject: Uh.... re you wacko?

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Date Posted: 07:57:25 11/08/00 Wed
In reply to: Donny 's message, "now you're a wacko!" on 13:33:08 11/07/00 Tue

I agreed with you mostly until you start talking about taking away state governments and everything federal. Now your not talking sence, your talking communism. That is exactly what communism is or damn near. Then all the president would have to do is start assigning priviges and your a commie country.

> So now you want to kill everybody with unsafe drugs
> and make all our kids stupid! Well that's great James.
> The education dept has done a great job teaching us,
> in fact I think all education should be run by the
> Federal Government. And actually all state governments
> should be banned. Everything should be done Federally,
> that way we can ahove all 50 states agreeing on the
> same regulaions and prices of stuff.
> What is this kind of talk what you want total
> anarchy???
> Donny
> > Now where in the constitution does it say we need to
> > have a federal dept of education? Ah hah! nowhere.
> And
> > what Does the DE do exactly? All it is is a stupid
> > bueacracy that issues crap-ass standardized tests for
> > people across the nation. The tests are lame, and it
> > just comes out to making more paperwork for us. The
> > FEDs only make up about 6% of all money for schools
> in
> > this country. 6% that is obviously made up in tests
> > that don't tell us anything about the studants and
> > damn annoying paperwork for parents teachers and
> > studants.
> >
> > Also they try to dictate to schools what needs to be
> > taught. Well I think the idividual states and their
> > departments are much better at determining what
> > studants need to learn since they are dealing with a
> > much smaller population and are more in touch with
> the
> > real world. Let's face it ever since the federal gov.
> > started butting in to education as much as it has
> been
> > our students have become pretty dull. We used to be
> > #1 in education now we're ranked pretty low for the
> > last remaining super power. And when we were #1 the
> > federal gov had very little to do with education. If
> > we let the states run their own school like we should
> > then the quality will go up because they won't be
> > regulated by the Gov't.
> >
> > The FDA, well Maybe we shouldn't get rid of it
> > completely. But I should definatly say I woul want to
> > reduce it's powers. Perhaps an FDA that only reports
> > on what certain drugs do, and approve them as safe.
> > However they should not ban other drugs from comming
> > in. If people want to by non-FDA approved drugs then
> > let them! Let the free market reign!
> >
> > And if the drug companies make a killing then GOOD!
> > because that means they'll be in business longer so
> > they can provide for us quality drugs. THe FDA should
> > not dictate to the people what we can and can't buy.
> > If we wanrt a non-fda drug we should be allowed to
> get
> > it. There are so many drugs out in europe and stuff
> > that we can't get in America because of the stupid
> > FDA. Well they should be allowed here whether FDA
> > approved or not.
> >
> > And if there is a problem with that then we can put a
> > nice big stamp on them that says "FDA APPROVED" or
> > "NOT APPROVED BY THE FDA" So people will know what
> > they're getting into.

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hmmmmJames23:23:32 11/08/00 Wed

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