Subject: Terry...Terry...Terry |
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Date Posted: 23:37:01 11/08/00 Wed
In reply to:
's message, "James.... James.... James....." on 23:22:49 11/08/00 Wed
> Now your using "two wrongs make another wrong" theory.
> There are say 10 people driving drunk right now. 5
> stoned. Legalize drugs and that just went up to 10
> dui, 30 stoned. 40 on heroin, 30 on crack, 60 ballin,
> 20 trippin, and my daughters chance of getting killed
> just went up. Tell you what... when you have children,
> then see how you feel. I may have agreed with you 2
> years ago. Having kids changes everything. Youll see.
> You and Kel will see! :>
I understand but look. Alcohol is legal. Drunk drivers kill tons of people on the roads every day. So why is it not ilegal? Because MOST poeple are responsible with it, and those who aren't will pay for it one way or another. But you may be right, I may change my mind :)
> But there would be a higher percentage chance if it
> were legal and more people had access. See... there
> are many people that will not do drugs only because
> they are illegal. Like me. If it were legal, Id
> probley smoke pot and trip. But it is illegal and I am
> a good boy. So by legalizing them, you just boosted
> the number of users DRAMATICALLY making all the
> statistics jump higher.
Does the fact that drugs are illegal decrease their chances of useing them? I don't know, I mean if I wanted to I could go out and get all those drugs you mentioned, illegal or not. But I don't want to, even if they WERE I wouldn't want to. I think that you probably wouldn't either. I know you say you might, but I know you and the example you'd want to set for her, but hey if they were legal who would care? And look there would be laws against doing that kind of stupid shit. And in no way would it be MANDATORY for all states to make it legal. It would be their own choice. They all would vote on it and decide for themselves.
> Because you are making the increase in users jump
> drastically and then you are causing my families
> chances of getting hurt alot more. So them killing
> themselves is hurting me also. Or at least raising the
> risk of it. You dont take those chances with family.
> It all boils down to loving and striving to protect
> those you love.
Yes I know. That's why you teach your children right from wrong right? I mean there was a guy JUST TODAY I found out, he killed his own daughter while driving drunk. I knew this guy I worked with him. He had his two children in the car and he fliped his truck and killed his seven-year-old daughter. Well do you think if alcohol were illegal he wouldn't have killed her? Probably not. He would have gone to get his booze some other time. But the shit is still legal ain't it? But I totally understand your point
> PS: The reason the drug war is failing is due to
> political intervention. The drug war is another
> Vietnam. Get polititions to issue the order and then
> get the fuck out of the way. Police will do it their
> way in America and military will do it our way in
> columbia. That is the only way to fix it.
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