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Subject: Did bush steal this election or is Gore just a fuck-head?

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Date Posted: 21:34:38 11/30/00 Thu

hey guys

I was talking to this black woman today and she was saying how if Bush won then the civil rights movement would get a major set back. At first I found myself agreeing with her in her attack on Bush, but then my newfound logic kicked in (incidently I have been listening to Neal Boortz and rush Limbaugh and they have been wearing off on me little by little) So then I asked her...How would he set it back? She just looked at me all cinfused and said "he's just not for us honey!" But I kept at it I said "How? and in what way is he against blacks?" then she said "he's just like his father! He made it really hard for us in the north! George W. is a carbon copy of his daddy!" So I kept at it and said "Well that is a very prejudice statement you just made. And you still havent answered my question, how is Bush going to set back the civil rights movement?" And she wouldn't answer me!

Now My emotions at first told me "yes she is right" but I have been trying to ebb that and force myself to think instead of feel. it's a difficult way to go when I have been taught since I was little the Liberal mindset. But in thinking about it, I sense that Bush is probably going to do more good for balcks than Gore will. Namely because of school vouchers. Which let you take a child from a run down school where nobody wants to learn or teach to a school where the child can get a quality education. And who would benefit the most from this? Black families! So when I told her about school vouchers she agreed that it would definatly help. then I asked her why she voted for Gore when he was aginst them and Bush was for them! She said I was stupid and laughed it off.

The more facts you present to us liberals, the harder it is for us to fool ourselves. So keep at it!


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Subject Author Date
Re: Did bush steal this election or is Gore just a fuck-head?Terry16:21:55 12/01/00 Fri
Re: Did bush steal this election or is Gore just a fuck-head?jeff14:54:34 07/07/06 Fri

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