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Subject: Re: we should model Canada, Austrailia, and England

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Date Posted: 11:30:26 05/02/04 Sun
In reply to: John 's message, "Re: we should model Canada, Austrailia, and England" on 14:05:40 01/27/02 Sun

Hi I live in Canada and the gun laws a joke they waisted millions of dollars on trying to force honest citizens to register all firearms and now we have a real mess the educated idiots that are running things can't get it in their brain a guns an inanimate object it takes a person to use it start dealing with the criminals. a criminal doesn't care about the law or they wouldn't be criminals right its time they get real and quit handleing criminals with kid cloves.>>> Hello?????? How are you going to shoot me when there
>>> are no guns? DUMBASS!!!!
>>> Donny
>Hello???? Why would an law-abiding citizen with a gun
>shoot you? You are a fuckin moron. Theres over 200
>million guns in America right now. Thats about 3 per
>every gun owner. If they took away guns from law
>abiding citizens, what would make criminals do the
>same? A survery in the prisons said that they were
>more afriad of a citizen with a gun than cops. Cops
>have to fallow rules, citizens can just kill. A ban
>on guns now would be almost impossible. The resources
>required would be immense and the time, long.

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Subject Author Date
Re: we should model Canada, Austrailia, and Englandcarol gilmour16:33:40 09/20/04 Mon

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