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Date Posted: 13:53:40 10/25/07 Thu
Author: morsphd
Subject: Help-Basketball fans needed for a research study!!

Dear Friends,

I am a graduate student at Northwestern University. I am posting here to request some assistance for one of my research projects.

In doing so, I would like to invite you to participate in an online survey. This survey is to learn what basketball fans think about the NBA players. You need to a basketball fan to participate in this study. The online survey will take you approximately 15 minutes or less to complete.

The study is purely academic and there are no commercial or any other purposes. The study is also completely anonymous.

In appreciation of your choice to participate in the project, I will enter you into a random drawing for a gift certificate to Amazon.com or Fandango Bucks (Movie certificate). **I am also willing to accommodate your needs to provide other prizes with the same monetary value). There will be about 20 to 25 prizes worth $20 each. Based on the previous response rates, I expect that 8-10% of the participants will receive a prize. The drawing will be conducted as soon as the survey is closed. You will be informed of the results in late December.

If you are interested in participating in this online survey, please click the following link.


Please also feel free to email me at llw238@gmail.com if there are any questions.

Thanks very much for your help!

Best Regards,

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