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Date Posted: 17:35:18 05/29/03 Thu
Author: matt b
Subject: Pau Gasol's brother-- at AU?!!/Ryan Odom leaving

Here's a couple of relevant articles: AU Scott-- any inside info about Gasol?

The Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

May 13, 2003 Tuesday Final Edition



Gasol update

Marc Gasol has returned to Spain for the summer, but Lausanne basketball coach Jason Peters said the 7-footer has not ruled out playing college basketball in the U.S. next season.

Gasol, the brother of Grizzlies star Pau Gasol, is working out and preparing to play basketball for his club team near Barcelona.

Peters said Gasol is still researching schools and does not plan to sign professional forms until at least the end of the summer. If he did, it would compromise his amateur status and end any chance of his playing college ball in the U.S.

Among the schools Gasol is considering, should he return, are the University of Memphis, Oklahoma and American University in Washington.

"It makes the most sense for him to come back to the University of Memphis because his family is still here," Peters said. "But he's leaving everything open."

By doing so, Gasol is taking the chance that a school like the U of M will still have an opening on its roster for a walk-on.

"I don't think there's any question that they would welcome him as a walk-on," Peters said.

Gasol took his ACT for the first time this spring and is awaiting the results.

"He came over here on a whim and wasn't as prepared as your normal exchange student would be," said Peters, adding that Gasol was a "solid" student at Lausanne. "He decided to take the test as late as possible so he could work more on his English."

In Spain, Peters said Gasol is working on his strength and conditioning in preparation for joining his club team, which begins play in June.

One of the criticisms of Gasol is that he was not in good enough shape to play major Division 1 basketball right away.

"He has very, very good footwork and he's big," Peters said, "but he needs to be quicker and stronger."


Roanoke Times & World News (Roanoke, VA)

May 15, 2003 Thursday Metro Edition


LENGTH: 706 words



As soon as Virginia Tech's compliance officials can do the necessary review of transcripts, new men's basketball coach Seth Greenberg will be ready to announce his full staff.

Assistants Ryan Odom from American University, Eric Skeeters from Youngstown State and Art Zeno from Norfolk State are set to join Greenberg's brother, Brad, the only Tech assistant to be identified to the media.

Odom, Skeeters and Brad Greenberg would be certified to recruit off campus, with Zeno the director of basketball operations.

Skeeters, who was on the staff at Youngstown State for four seasons, played basketball and lacrosse at Catonsville (Md.) Community College in 1989-90 and is a 1997 Coppin State graduate. He is expected to provide Baltimore and Washington-area recruiting contacts.

Odom, son of South Carolina head coach Dave Odom, is a 1996 Hampden-Sydney graduate who began his coaching career as an administrative assistant to then-South Florida coach Seth Greenberg.

Odom also coached at Furman and North Carolina-Asheville before spending the past two seasons at American University in Washington. Like his father and older brother, Lane, an assistant at Missouri, Ryan Odom is known for his Lithuanian contacts.

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[> Re: Pau Gasol's brother-- at AU?!!/Ryan Odom leaving -- AUScott22, 12:44:06 06/02/03 Mon

I had not heard about either of these developments.
Great finds Matt.

The Gasol rumor is surprising and I would handicap our chances as being slim at best. From what I have heard, Marc speaks little English and it is going to be difficult for him to become eligible. If he does make it academically, it'll be infinitely more difficult to get him out of Memphis. His brother is not getting traded anytime soon and his brother will likely pay for school allowing him to walk on. I'd think Calipari would assure him of working with him and developing his raw body into an NBA prospect. Having said all that, it is great to hear Jones is working on snaring a guy with obvious upside like lil Gasol. It isn't out of the realm of possibility that he'd come here. There are plenty of Latina's roaming around AU for him to at least consider it. It'd be fun searching for Pau in the stands during games.

As for Ryan Odom, I'm not surprised in the least by his move. The day he walked into the Athletic offices I am sure he was looking for his next job. Dave Odom helped his kids break into the business and serves as a great reference for them to continue upward. And Ryan worked for Greenberg before at USF. I'm sure it hasn't been pleasant for Ryan when talking shop at family functions. While his dad and brother get to represent big time programs in big time conferences, lil Ryan is stuck holding the fort as the number two assistant at a Patriot League program. I say good for him, he has helped us land some good Lithuanian talent. Let's hope the pipeline doesn't go dry. I never saw him as a potential replacement for Jones if he were to leave. I really think AU should drop a little money into an assistant that could take over if Jones were to jump ship. If and when AU knocks off Holy Cross I think Jones may be as good as gone. It would be nice to have a little foresight to groom his replacement on campus over the next few seasons. Just my opinion.

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[> Re: Pau Gasol's brother-- at AU?!!/Ryan Odom leaving -- AUScott22, 12:45:49 06/02/03 Mon

I had not heard about either of these developments.
Great finds Matt.

The Gasol rumor is surprising and I would handicap our chances as being slim at best. From what I have heard, Marc speaks little English and it is going to be difficult for him to become eligible. If he does make it academically, it'll be infinitely more difficult to get him out of Memphis. His brother is not getting traded anytime soon and his brother will likely pay for school allowing him to walk on. I'd think Calipari would assure him of working with him and developing his raw body into an NBA prospect. Having said all that, it is great to hear Jones is working on snaring a guy with obvious upside like lil Gasol. It isn't out of the realm of possibility that he'd come here. There are plenty of Latina's roaming around AU for him to at least consider it. It'd be fun searching for Pau in the stands during games.

As for Ryan Odom, I'm not surprised in the least by his move. The day he walked into the Athletic offices I am sure he was looking for his next job. Dave Odom helped his kids break into the business and serves as a great reference for them to continue upward. And Ryan worked for Greenberg before at USF. I'm sure it hasn't been pleasant for Ryan when talking shop at family functions. While his dad and brother get to represent big time programs in big time conferences, lil Ryan is stuck holding the fort as the number two assistant at a Patriot League program. I say good for him, he has helped us land some good Lithuanian talent. Let's hope the pipeline doesn't go dry. I never saw him as a potential replacement for Jones if he were to leave. I really think AU should drop a little money into an assistant that could take over if Jones were to jump ship. If and when AU knocks off Holy Cross I think Jones may be as good as gone. It would be nice to have a little foresight to groom his replacement on campus over the next few seasons. Just my opinion.

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