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Date Posted: 12:17:33 10/27/15 Tue
Author: Knut Holt
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: ALIEN ABDUCTION STORIES stem from secret medical procedures on kids

I think these Alien abduction stories originate from some real physical ordeal, but this ordeal is most probably some earthly happening, and not abduction and examinations done by alien from outer space or other dimensions.

I think these stories originate from medical exams and procedures done to the persons in their childhood secretly and under anesthesia.

The child might for example have been given anesthesia for some minor surgery, and then they went through a intrusive event of the kind in addition.

Or they might be given something that made them sleep at school or kindergarten and then brought to a room or a place where the ordeal took place.

The child migh remember pieces of the ordeal, and put these together with some fantacy and things they have seen in other occations, and then you have an alien abduction story.

The UFO they report having howered over them might simply originate from confused memories of having seen a surgical lamp.

Memories of being beemed up to the UFO might originate from feelings of floating in the air mhich is a side effect of some anesthetics, for example ketamine.

And the alien bowing over their head and hypnotizing them, might simply be the anesthesiologist that can look like and behave like such an alien when she is in action.

Knut Holt
More anout it here


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