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Subject: Budgeting Pre-Castle Economy

Council of Elders
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Date Posted: 22:17:06 06/15/02 Sat

*Note: These articles are intended for Expert playing ability.

A good economic strategy needs a budget. I'm going to show you how to make a AoK budget, measuring your production, resources and assets in terms of Villager-Seconds (VS). Here are the basic steps:

1. Set your goal.
2. Determine the assets you need to reach your goal.
3. Subtract current assets and resources.
4. Calculate costs used to create assets.
5. Make sure production capacity exceeds asset costs.

Villager-Seconds (VS)

The production capacity (pc) of 1 villager in 1 second.

Example: 30 villagers have a pc of 30vs every second.

Explanation: Your economy is dependant on villagers. Villagers gather recources, and build buildings. The buildings then use the resources to create units and research technology.

Resource VS
The VS the you have used gathering food, wood, gold and stone.

Example: 100 wood = 258vs.

Explanation: To calculate the value of the resources: divide the amount of resources by that resource's gather rate. The wood gather rate = .388 wood/second. 1 Villager uses 258 seconds, 10 vils use 25.8s to gather 100 wood. (1v*258s = 10v*25.8s = 258vs.)

Asset VS
The value of all units, buildings and technologies.

Example: 1 villager = 151vs, 1 town center (TC) = 809vs

Explanation: A TC uses 50 food to produce a villager. The food gather rate = .330. The VS only counts the food not the build time (bt) because the TC is doing the work; no villagers = no VS cost. So (50 food/ .330 f/s = 151vs). The VS cost of buildings must add bt because villagers are doing the construction work. 1 TC costs 275 wood and takes 100 seconds to build. So (TC = 275 wood/ .388 w/s + 100bt = 809vs)

1. Only villagers and fish ships increase your PC.
2. PC units, relics, trade units and tribute can increase resources.3. Only pc units and buildings can use resources to produce assets.
4. The sheep gather rate is chosen as the standard Pre-Castle food gather rate. If you have a better estimate let me know.
5. If you understand this article, you are ready for my next article, Sample budget: 30 vil sub-20 minute Castle Age.

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