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Subject: DM 1v1 Tips and Strategies

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Date Posted: 14:21:06 06/17/02 Mon

First of all the differences between 1v1 DM and a team DM:
Obviously you have no team mates in a 1v1, and therefore the ownership of land becomes a lot more important. There is much more unoccupied land in a 1v1.

Your sides are no longer protected by an ally - Your enemy can come from anywhere- which is why so many people feel safer in a team game - Your allies are at your side and your enemy is in front of you. How much simpler can it be?

To succeed in 1v1 DMs... you need to be fast... you have no life lines... it all relies on you. You need to collect more resources than your enemy, you need to outgun him, and you need to own as much of the maps resources as you possibly can. It takes practice, but if you use this guide and practice with it... you will get the hang of it.

Holding the map - How do you do it?
Well the easiest way is to simply contain your enemy. Don't let him out of his town and he wont be able to touch the other resources. Do this by applying pressure from the very start: from the very start: from the very start:

Send your scout out and kill as many villagers as you can.

Take the fight to the enemy - don't let him box you in. The more pressure you apply the more land and resources you will be able to take. Make the gather point of one of your stables straight to his base. Yes the paladin will die, but it will a) keep him on defense, b) perhaps kill a villager or two in the process and c)his paladins have to chase it to kill it..therefore attracting his army to the back of his base making him weaker at the front. Keep this going until you can see that it is no longer effective.

Sit your paladins just outside his town and get some castles up. Sending them all in one by one is suicide. Instead wait just outside and gather up forces. Start building trebuchets straight away out of those castles...and perhaps get some pikemen too. When you feel you are strong enough start pushing him. Make sure that whatever he attacks you with is in range of your castles.

At the same time as setting up this base just outside his, set another one up somewhere else on the map (preferably to the side of your enemy). He probably won't notice because he will be too busy fighting you off at your first attack front. You will then be able to flank him as well and probably get all his houses.

Resource Collecting
Make a market very early in the game...before your enemy. Trade wood (until its down to 14). This will give you the advantage and allow you to build more units than your enemy.

Always build a second and third town center early and place them next to a gold mine. Queue each one with 15 villagers and set the gather point to the mine.

Farm EARLY. Gather food from berry patches first if possible but as soon as they are finished set up farming areas. Not only will you have more food than your enemy, but very few people use the market for anything other than the wood for gold trade. If you can gather up food to spare you can take advantage of this and score another 1500-2000 gold.

Get as many of the vacant gold mines as you can. Try and send send at least 2 paladins and 2 villagers to each gold mine, and a few more paladins to the ones closer to your enemy. The paladins will be able to take out any wolves that try to attack your villagers, as well as any paladins or villagers of his that are trying to do the same.

Don't forget stone. While you may not need it right away...castles are very important late in the game when almost the only units being built are pikes,skirmishers and light cavalry

Find all the relics, or as many as you can, and put them in your monasteries to generate gold - the more relics the faster the generation.

Don't give up if you are running out of resources. If you are running out of resources, chances are your opponent is also.

General Tips
Every now and then, use a paladin (or any other fast unit you may have) as a kamikaze scout and find out exactly what your opponent is building. Then you can build the correct units to counter.

If you are fighting the enemy and you have a castle nearby always try and lure his units into your castles, especially late in the game. At this stage in the game his army will comprise of mostly non gold units (pikes skirmishers etc) and these will drop like flies should he not notice.

Always try and keep the advantage. Don't expect to win just because you got the market up first and traded before him. Use it to your advantage. Any one of the above on its own will not guarantee a win.

But, if you do all of the above correctly... chances are you will win.

I didn't enclose any examples of games because there are so many already available from the MFO Eyes Wide Open DM 1v1 Tournament. I recommend any game involving the top seeded players for rounds 5-7 and ALL of the playoff games.

To succeed in life there are 2 things you must learn : 1) Never tell anyone everything u know

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