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Date Posted: 06:58:55 04/01/13 Mon
Author: Cecil Aubrey (Doubled up with laughter)
Subject: Savage satire will leave you laughing for months

I'm not really certain whether it is disrespectful or not to laugh at a book which mercilessly makes fun of some of the most well-known figures in the world of international politics. All I know for sure is that when I read “The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama”, I just couldn't stop laughing. The author Christopher Antony Meade just seems to have a talent for making the most powerful people look totally ridiculous. Barack Obama is just one of the characters lampooned in this very clever and savagely ridiculing novella. Adolf Hitler, Osama bin laden, the Illuminati and the three little pigs all come in for a pasting. The world, as described by Mr Meade, is almost unreal in its absurdity but, like all great satire, the reader is left with the niggling suspicion that all of what he is reading may just well be true.
If you do nothing else for your entertainment this year, at least read this book. “The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama” will leave you chuckling for months.
Read the complete reviews of this devastatingly irreverent novella and
sample the hilarious first chapters FREE on AMAZON.
United States.
United Kingdom (Amazon UK)
You can also buy it from many other online retailers. Priced at less than the cost of a packet of ten cigarettes.

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