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Date Posted: 09:08:39 07/08/02 Mon
Author: Crimson Shadows
Subject: A New Shadow Emerges

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* Marred lacquer o’ gilded quant'm hue flickers betwixt realm of intangible, of cryptic shadows; scarce to be seen but by that of a whetted eye and steady inclination. Patterns of bract emulate in the pallid luminosity of midseason splash hide of foreigner as swift transgression is made, limbs as of steel thrust e’er forward into the night. Husky frame thoughtlessly weaves betwixt young standing timber, an adumbration among shadows. Alluring vixen draws to sharp termination, hind pistons drawing under with soundless flex of sinew-laden muscles. Present, valkyrie falls silent and observant, notched peaks swiveling as testament to her warrior nature. She had arrived, in this fabled kingdom o’ trial and hardship…of triumph and victory. *

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