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Date Posted: Monday, March 07, 04:18:47am
Author: RVEC
Subject: Interested!!!
In reply to: Kara 's message, "WW Kenos Imprinted Dun" on Sunday, March 06, 01:58:26pm

Wow this horse would make a great addtion to RVEC,as we are low on Paint Stock.

Stable Url:


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[> WOW! Inside... -- Ashlee, Monday, March 07, 11:31:45pm

Again, another exceptional example of a WinterWood Paints mare!!! I currently own WW Unanswered Questions, WW Sheza Nu Country Tune, WW Obvious Knuckler and WW Ima Wonderful Comet.

I absolutely LOVE the mares that you sell. They have all done extremely well with me. WW Sheza Nu Country Tune won the Winter 2004 Western HOTY award and WW Ima Wonderful Comet won the Winter 2004 Juvenile Show HOTY award.

If allowed the opportunity to own her WW Kenos Imprinted Dun would get the upmost quality of care. She would be shown regularly in ISG and All-Sim and be bred to only the best quality Paint and Quarter Horse stallions out there. I recently sold a lot of my stock horses in hopes to clear out some of my horses with less show experience to make room to show my horses more and buy a few excellent show mares. I would love to have the opportunity to just get atleast one Paint mare from this sale. I recently sold WW J Bar's Classic Sondee back to you and sold WW Comets Sassafrass to another member. I also sold several other Paint mares. I am looking to add a couple more mares to my stock that I can use for breeding and showing.

My stable URL: http://www.geocities.com/anoblereturn9/

An example of what her page would look like: http://www.geocities.com/anoblereturn9/quarterhorses/adorablezippobar/adorablezippobar.html

MY OFFER: $100,000 (again, she is well worth it)

(I am working on Rowfantina Filigree's page a little more today. I finished her show results last night and pressed the preview button and it turns out that my computer had logged off the internet without letting me know and erased ALL of the work and HTML I had done on her performance page. I was so irratated that I screamed at the stupid computer and went to bed. lol! I am gonna do some work on it right now.)

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