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Date Posted: 18:11:32 06/24/02 Mon
Author: Aberfoyle
Author Host/IP: h24-65-162-160.gv.shawcable.net /
Subject: Re: The Rules
In reply to: Asuma Shinohara 's message, "The Rules" on 17:42:14 06/20/02 Thu

>here are the forum rules:
>1. There is not to be any posting other than questions
>and advice in this forum.
>2.posting of goatse.cx or anything of that sort WILL
>3.if you are offended by the middle finger this site
>is not for you.
>4.do not act like te(V)plar or Jimmeypop86er (for
>those of you who have no idea what i mean please visit
>5.if you wish to become a mod you must show me what
>your worth. getiing people to join help's (note: altar
>igo's and multiple personality's do not count.)
>6. I hold the banhammer. if you got a problem you can
>tell someone who care's (not me)

Ok, i will go with these rules. This isn't a question or adivice



Danm, that's a good rule :):):)

*registers alter egos*

You shouldn't hold the banhammer!!!!1111

OMG, did u hear about the release of MGS2!!!!?!?!?!

Kewl dat is l33t ima spel wel!!:):)!!!


That is all.

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