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Date Posted: 02:22:34 09/28/02 Sat
Author: joe
Subject: wounded

gooten tag woke myself up today at 7, wasnt goin outlast nite so decied to hav an early nite and went to bed at 7, i decided to do this as we were ment to be playing at free spirit today, sooo at 7 this morning i go and ring smit to see if he was ready no answer so i ring tom no answer turn my fone on and there is a msg saying "sorry dude were not playing today managment sed were not"!!mmmmm ok even though fucken 2 months ago they were alwrite with it and FUCKEN THURSDAY AND ALL DAY FRIDAY THEY WERE BUT AT FRIDAY NITE LESS THAN 12 HOURS B4 THE SHOW ThEY FUCKEN CANCEL WOT IS THAT ABOUT!instead of tom tellin me he decided to txt me but as i took my early nite so i cud get up to play this show, i didnt get the txt, but if tom had rang my house which h ha the number to and does reulary anyway cus were freinds i could of woke up and he cud of told me so i cud of told smit as we was bringing the p.a and i could of gone to ramshackle wih him but no he keeps it to himself and gos o ramshackle with mark cheers tom ill remember to invite u out next time but it could slip my mind! obviously tom has a probem with workin out who his friends want to be day after day as it changes a lot :-0!hope u had a good time last nite tom and u mark cus i fucken didnt or this morning ive now been awake for 3 hours and sittin here after showered eaten and everything ready for the day ahead but every other normal person is in fucken bed!so this msg is a anger managment 4 me b4 i kill a cow or sumin, and a fuck you for free spirit if i ever get a million pound im gonna pay for the so called "managment" of free spirit to be shot!and a shout out for tom for been a knob about it and not even appologising to me cus it wasnt his fault cus he was out gettin pist with best freinds mark mmmmmmmmm wonder if i cud of put that 2days ago. neway no1 shud be really reading this at this point but its away of calming myself down cus im a little bored and pist off love joe!plus ive had a fucken awkward week and this has topped it off im not gonna go into the personal problems that ive had neway love joe xXx

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