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Date Posted: 07:51:27 09/30/02 Mon
Author: Jim
Subject: Tales from Tapton

Sheffield is cool. I like it here. It's a bit weird hanging out with a bunch of people into dance music though. Still, there have to be some cool people somewhere so one day i'll go searching for them, find them and possibly even bring them back to my room. If anyone wants to come up and visit they are very welcome. Ike is coming up for the Agnostic Front/Bio Hazard/Hatebreed/STAMPIN GROUND show in November so that's gonna be a classic! I'm looking forward to the A/Voodoo Glow Skulls/Goldfinger show a lot...the Glow Skulls are gonna be crazy.
One day can i please have my cds back from people who have got them...you know who you are! Manowar, Gash, Thursday, Glow Skulls and HWM are all floating around somewhere and i miss them. And they probably miss me, so sort it out!
I have nothing else to say, i'm just bored. I got back from an English Lit lecture about 10 minutes ago...all we did was listen to Jurassic 5 and Mos Def and argue about whether hip hop is a valid form of poetry. To be honest, i put forward the argument that Mos Def is just a black man rapping about being black. There's nothing poetic about being black. Or even white for that matter.
Sorry to anyone who got any of my drunk texts while i was at the pub quiz last night. My team wasn't doing so good so i was drowning my sorrows in beer. Also, how's this for a new drink: Everyone who drinks with me will know i'm not a bitter man, but buy yourself a bottle of blue wkd and pour about half into a pint of Guniess. It's the drink of my hall....we're like a family (Except for Ed...I think he's adopted.) The drink is a classic. We call it the Blue Hippo. It was funny at the time.
I have literally talked to about 2 girls since i got here. I've watched more football matches...that's not very good is it!? Aaaah well, it's all about bonding with my hall mates i suppose.
My mum came up for a surprise visit TWO DAYS after i got here. I think she has too much time on her hands now i'm gone...someone please go and do something with her? Thanks
I've written way too much. I think i should leave it here. How's everyone doing? How's Birmingham? Blah blah blah?

love from jim x x x

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