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Date Posted: 05:37:52 10/17/02 Thu
Author: wes
Subject: links, a gig. and in pieces

easy boys

err yeah sorry i didnt get back to you about the 28th, i wasnt actually aware of anything for a short while. oh dear, we have turned into birmingham's laziest, most dysfunctional, THC-baked band since ten men jen...

oh well. sometimes its nice to watch other people work hard is it not?

i noticed that there isnt a link to the locker on the 3A site. you cants, sort it or i'll just have to make another cup of tea

my whack brothers and i are very much looking forward to the box social you wizard chaps have planned on the 31st. will we get thrown out for distributing helium balloons with 'horror porn' designs on them? i'm not quite sure what that means yet, but they were cheap cause they werent selling.

one more thing. listen to 'learning to accept silence' by IN PIECES and try not to have wave after wave of pure euphoria travelling through your body. or was that smoking crack...? no no i'm a good boy really, only smoke plants. and eat certain small things that grow round about this time of year. i do, however need some f ukcing sleep.

OH YES, sorry just one more thing. for those of you with open minds that arent lodged halway up their own colon, come to magic bus at the med bar after fridays's gig at eddies. its cheap, and there plenty of great music till 2am! and a live reggae band.

see the magic bus website for more info

a nods as good as a wink to a blind bat

wes xXx

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