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Date Posted: 11:50:07 11/15/02 Fri
Author: Joe
Subject: Re: Hmmm
In reply to: katoi 's message, "Re: Hmmm" on 05:21:02 11/15/02 Fri

Im confused everyone keeps saying we are going to war with iraq. And ppl keep saying innocent ppl are going to get killed. U.S AND UK are not going to kill innocent ppl its not like there going yegahh lets go and kill loads of iraqies they are going to try and get rid of Mr hussain, and nebody who supports him if they are iraqi ppl that aupport him then they are not innocent if they support saddam they deserve to be shot. I dont now how u can say let iraq sort itself self out they cant the country is to weak to go and take over sadam if ppl disagree with him they get killed so thats not fair they need help and the uk and the us can provide that help. If there is nothing to hide why cant we go in and inspect!UN inspectors do look at the us and uk's weapons because we dont hide them. They are not going to kill innocENT PPL, only ppl that are with hussain like i sed they deserve to be shot then. Plus how much of a warning do iraq want i didnt see bin laden giving ne warning. I think the thing about bush wanting oil is silly, he wants to get rid of hussain thats it and so do lots of ppl.P.S bush has to do wot his country wants and the majortiy of the country support him so he has to go with that! Im only writing this msg to try and put some other views out. But really do the ppl who support the war go around saying go to war go to war?????But what i do think is silly is WHY THE FUCK IS THE STOP THE WAR GIGS TO RAISE MONEY FOR STOP THE WAR WHY NOT RAISE MONEY FOR CHARITYS SUCH AS CANCER more ppl die with cancer and famine and shit loads of diseases. Money shud be better spent than on war, plus all the money going in to stopping the war why shudnt it go to charity.And money supporting the war shud go to charity. To be fair as well its a no win situation i tihnk. Thats why i didnt want to do a stop the war benifit gig because i think money cud be better spent!Thats why i tried to do a cancer research gig my final thought is i dont really have a view ive confused myself talking loads. BUT HAVENT U EVER THOUGHT WHAT ABOUT OUR OWN COUNTRY?Also i dont mean to offend nebody by nething i have said, if u think what a idiot i am how harsh i am just for saying what ive said thats just silly and ur a very shallow person(i think thats the right word)i dont dislike nebody for supporting stop the war or ppl supporting the war. So thats what i think. joe

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