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I am a Wiccan Practitioner and proud of it!Fir'es16:22:03 12/19/02 Thu
So religion is a big part of being a witch?Ash22:11:23 11/20/02 Wed
Edward Foster.........Don't botherOcean Starr11:56:47 07/17/02 Wed
Your work on this site is very good!Jemmy07:12:06 11/01/03 Sat
Great site, thank you for sharing itLex09:45:33 10/31/03 Fri
Hail Pagans!Coontail11:15:51 10/12/03 Sun
This is the religion for meKaty06:59:47 09/20/03 Sat
Is sexuality a big element in witchcraft?Allen Walker12:42:41 08/29/03 Fri
haunted by my dreamstrybadgirl6918:39:33 09/04/03 Thu
hello allVirtue12:01:39 05/12/03 Mon
Hello EveryoneShadow Wolf19:47:03 08/02/03 Sat
Invoking WiccaCirce11:14:42 07/27/03 Sun
Help on contacting someoneEllie13:03:39 06/01/03 Sun
A CRY FOR HELPMagick-Sprite06:30:22 06/06/03 Fri
singin for godAshlee11:54:31 03/01/03 Sat
Hello and welcome!!Ocean Starr14:32:24 06/20/02 Thu
Hello all, Just looking for someone to talk toVirtue11:19:50 05/12/03 Mon
shit (again)Black_Wolf05:04:04 04/10/03 Thu
New ForumOcean Starr15:49:19 04/08/03 Tue
Ummmmmm......Black_Wolf04:16:16 03/25/03 Tue
What does a witch do?Linda Shortland21:35:03 06/22/02 Sat
WallaceOcean Starr09:42:38 03/31/03 Mon
What do y'all think??Ocean Starr16:34:12 03/29/03 Sat
HELPBlack_Wolf05:08:48 03/06/03 Thu
  • Re: HELP -- Ocean Starr, 08:14:12 03/07/03 Fri
    • Re: HELP -- Black_Wolf, 04:50:30 03/18/03 Tue
New to CaliMadeleine19:31:52 02/15/03 Sat
New Age FairUni04:03:29 02/13/03 Thu
HELP Needed, Wiccan Prison Outreach and Educational ProgramAbbot Richard Christensen13:39:25 08/05/02 Mon

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