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Subject: Re: hi to every one

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Date Posted: 06:21:26 08/13/03 Wed
In reply to: dasiesforsunshine1 's message, "hi to every one" on 00:17:15 08/02/03 Sat

You already have within yourself everything you need to know. You only need to realize that.

"That which you can not find within yourself, will not be found anywhere else." Charge of the Goddess

"Know Thyself." Temple of Delphi

"if God stands apart from the world He is also within it ("He is outside as much as He is inside"), and that He "fills all and causes all" without this immanence precluding a personalistic and theistic view of Him." The later strata of the Zohar

"For in man is God, and God is in all. And I hope by the grace of God he that beholdeth it thus shall be truly taught and mightily comforted... " Julian of Norwich

"Lo, I am with you always means when you look for God, God is in the look of your eyes, in the thought of looking, nearer to you than your self, or things that have happened to you. There's no need to go outside. Be melting snow. Wash yourself of yourself." Jalaluddin Rumi

"You are the supreme Brahman, infinite, yet hidden in the hearts of all creatures. You pervade everything." The Upanishads

"... we and all sentient beings fundamentally have the buddha nature as our innermost essence..." Sogyal Rinpoche

"(The Tao) is always present and always available... If you are willing to be lived by it, you will see it everywhere, even in the most ordinary things." The Hua Hu Ching


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