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Subject: This is the religion for me

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Date Posted: 06:59:47 09/20/03 Sat

Hi everyone. Im 19 years old. I have been grown up by an athiest (my mother) and my father, (a christian). The only thing that I believed was myself. I am very into myself, but also things around me. I am very into nature. I don't kill insects intentionally... I always talk to the animals and flowers because ever since I can remember, I always believed they talked back to me. I do a lot of art and when I was in school, alot of kids knew that I was different. I never went to church because that wasn't me. I never believed what my mother or father told me about life because I basically found it on my own. I was into reading about wicca since I was in 6th grade. ever since, I was always interested in it, and I think that some things come very natural to me. I just recently met my boyfriend about a month ago, and he is into wicca; for over 7 years now. He asks me why I don't practice it, since a lot of things that I do are common with wicca.. but I am afraid that I won't have the time to... what I am asking is, am I a natural witch? and would it be safe to say that I have actually been a wiccan all this time??

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Subject Author Date
Re: This is the religion for meParzifal08:42:36 09/21/03 Sun

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