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Subject: Re: I am a Wiccan Practitioner and proud of it!

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Date Posted: 12:24:35 01/03/04 Sat
In reply to: Ocean Starr 's message, "Re: I am a Wiccan Practitioner and proud of it!" on 08:38:23 12/23/02 Mon

This is in response to you being SO proud of being a wiccan , I am very proud to a Christian, Thankful that Jesus gave me a second chance & cleaned me up from the inside out, delivered from the drugs and sex that had a death grip on me I was was blinded , kind of like a horse being trained to race with blinders on, they can only see one way straight ahead, they do not see what is really around them, I had no hope, no joy, NO PEACE and NO love in my life Until I fell on my knees in living room and cried out God, I also knew what I saw on my birthday 9/11, was direct fullfillment of bible prophecy, and I knew I did not want to go through the great tribulation.

Idolatry,WITCHCRAFT,HATRED,VARIANCE,EMULATIONS,WRATH,strife,seditions,heresies,Envyings,MURDERS,DRUNKENESS,revellings,and such like:of the which I tell you before,as I have also told you in time past,that they which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom Of God!
2Thessalonians 2,8-12. And then shall that Wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth,and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.
Even him,whose coming is after the working of satan with all power and and signs and lying wonders.And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; BECAUSE THEY RECEIVED NOT THE LOVE OF THE TRUTH,THAT THEY MIGHT BE SAVED.And for this cause GOD WILL SEND THEM STRONG DELUSION, THAT THEY SHOULD BELEIVE A LIE:That they ALL might be DAMNED who beleived not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
REVELATION 22:12-13 AND,BEHOLD I COME QUICKLY;AND MY REWARD IS WITH ME,TO GIVE EVRY MAN ACCORDING AS HIS WORK SHALL BE.I AM ALPHA AND OMEGA,THE BEGINNING AND THE END,THE FIRST AND THE LAST..........Eternity is forever , have u thought about ur soul? Satan is the Father of lies, and a deceiver from the beginning of time, that's why Jesus threw him & his FALLEN demons out of heaven now he crawls on his belly, and in case none of you pagans have who so proudly carry your name have ever read the word of God, (maybe you have read the Bible from front to back) , but guess what? JESUS WINS!!! Rememeber satan is a deceiver?? A liar, that's what he does, that's all he does, I have smoked pot, smoked the crack, I have done it all, and the devil NEVER once kept a promise he made to me, but Jesus kept them all, and gave me peace in my life, love that I never thought i could have or that i thought I deserved! He has healed my body of diabetes , and RSD! he delivered me from smoking cigarettes for 18 years , in an instant and I have never craved another one!!! he took the desire for drugs away from me, and all I had to do was fall on my knees and cry out & ask him, HE WAS THERE! HE SAID ,I WILL NEVER LEAVE U NOR FORSAKE U, lo, i will be with you, till the end of the world....that tells me, there is going to be an end!!! And it is coming fast! The pages of Revelation have come alive and we are walking inside of them daily. Your soul is forever , the devil does not love you, it is a lie, to get your soul, Hell has expanded her borders for the devil and his young people, dont let him have your soul today, please, there is REAL gnashing of teeth, real torment, if you think suicide and death is a way out of this hell on earth......it is only the beginning of one that NEVER ends, but it is 100 times worse, u will beg and scream for a single drop of water, and there will be none, Jesus was 33 when he died for u, he came that u would have life in heaven, read king james version, WE WIN!!! if you dont understand it, Noah C. Hutchings wrote a book called "Revelation for Today" you can get it only on the internet through Southwest Radio Church in Oklahoma City, Ok. It will break it all down for u. $25.00. One more scripture. PROVERBS 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Knowledge;But FOOLS despise wisdom and instruction.I love all of you, even the wiccans, the ones who practice the things you should not, Jesus loves you & does not want your soul to perish in hell, he wants you have life and have it more abundantly. We will all give an account for EVERY idle word we have muttered out of our mouths, and felt in our hearts, when we all stand before a God with feet like brass and eyes like fire, . Jehovah Jirah, He is , He is MY GOD! His Bond servant. Gina

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Re: I am a Wiccan Practitioner and proud of it!Ocean Starr10:30:24 01/10/04 Sat

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