Subject: Re: hello could someone talk with me? |
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Date Posted: 15:55:40 05/31/04 Mon
In reply to:
's message, "hello could someone talk with me?" on 17:27:26 09/15/03 Mon
hello i must know if im a real witch cause ever since i was 8years old things have been happening to me,and a couple of years ago some people r scared of me and say im a witch an that they dont want to talk to me saying this as they shake in fear,i think of shows to be on tv and sometimes they r as im thinking about the name of the show,songs on the radio r on as i think about them as i turn the radio on,but other scarry things happened through out my life,family members have all said yes we do have powers,my sister once said on the phone 300miles away that there will be poisonous spiders at my head as i lay down for a nap on the couch and sure enough there werte half a dozen at my head and there wernt any before,aunt always knew when death was at the door,we all seen a horse standing on hine legs kicking front legs at the door,ive made things happen when im upset,ive made a 3foot algy eater fishes eyes recreate themselves after petshop owner say it had no eye balls cause of parannahs ate them and that it will never have eyes ever again,and now the petshop owner now tells everyone im a real witch,as he says it with fear and tells workers to be aware of me,if i concentrate hard enough i can make water move in a glass,ive had a peice on lined paper catch on fire while i was holding onto it at the age of 18 and now im going on 41 and no no matches or lighters involved,i dont feel like a regular person,witchcraft seems to be a part of me wether i want it to or not,pls help me am i a real witch or not and if i am what kind of witch am i supose to be,as i do long for the ansewers,i even went to a phycologist and he also said im normal and there is nothing wrong with me and yes there is something truly diffrent about me but he didnt know what it was,i need ur help if i am how can i inhance my abilities,oh another thing ive done saoncess and found it super easy to do and had people see there dead loved ones then i send the loved ones back to rest and can also do spirital hand writting messages from the dead and the living...u may think im nuts but pls beleive me ....ur the only one ive ever told these things to.......pls help thx
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