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Subject: age old WAR

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Date Posted: 14:28:31 01/04/05 Tue

When did the war Begin, when will it end? Age old war that sweeps through the land like a fire and it's HOT AIR. Devouring everything in it's path leaving all to live in it's destruction. Our CHILDREN will sift through the rubble searching for answers of why we left them with rocks. Here is their story= Once Upon A Time in a far away reality people actually had animals to eat and clean water to drink. Crops actually grew directly off of the land, Oxygen was breathable, and the sun was our friend. Civilizations actually lived outside our bio-domes and traded all of the treasures OUR mother once had. In the days of the Kings people would take and destroy when they needed food, land, or security. No treaty or deal would stop them. No army to defeat because our brothers and sisters became the little soldiers of that hungry machine. It went on and on recruiting more and more of the earths population. As it grew so did the Population of the earth. They ate and wasted more then they needed. They even poisoned their bodies and minds with faster food that they created with the help of dangerous chemicals. The motion was live fast and enjoy the NOW. Only their way of seizing the moment was to live with poisoning our environment for the instant pleasure that was killing them and finally led to almost killing us all. Now we have each other. This small community of people here to repopulate and re-toil the earth. Humanity once again will feed of the GARDEN from our combined effort. We are only a few but it all starts again somewhere. A bit of every culture on earth.

Or how about this ending= humanity ran out of food so they started eating their own FAT.

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Re: age old WAROcean Starr10:37:49 01/06/05 Thu

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