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Subject: Secrets of the Illuminati. Not Wikipedia, Facebook or Twitter

Christopher Antony Meade (Sincere)
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Date Posted: 04:04:31 01/17/13 Thu

There is a continuing fascination with the Illuminati and their all pervasive influence on world affairs.
There was an organisation called the Illuminati, which was founded in Bavaria in the eighteenth century. This is not the sinister organisation that aims to gain ruler ship over the world.
Only very few people can reveal the true facts about this sinister “society above society”. I am one of those with full knowledge. No doubt you are wondering how deep my insight goes.
To find out read my latest e-book The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama. It tells the story of the brilliant pianist, but loathsome zombie, Julian Faversham and his attempted assassination of Barack Obama.
It contains information on the history and power of the Illuminati that is not detailed anywhere else.
There is also some fascinating, but very embarrassing, information about the ancestry of Barack Obama.
Osama bin Laden was not killed in the way we have been told either. Read the true account of his demise here.
There is a royal connection here also, (or at least a Buckingham Palace connection).
Sample it for FREE at AMAZON

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You can also buy it from many other online retailers. Priced at less than the cost of a packet of ten cigarettes.

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