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Subject: What is religion?

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Date Posted: 02:14:00 03/16/03 Sun
In reply to: Ash 's message, "So religion is a big part of being a witch?" on 22:11:23 11/20/02 Wed

What follows is my own opinion and is not meant to represent the authoritative doctine of any person or persons but myself, OK?

Religion of any and all kinds is humanity's search for the ultimate Truth that in my opinion is synonamous with Divinity. The labels of Wiccan, Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, Shinto or whatever are worthless except to provide a very general and inaccurate description of the path one is exploring at any given time in one's search for Truth.

There are no limitations to what you believe except those limitations you put upon yourself. Search the web and you will find Jewish Pagans and Christo Pagans. Somebody else might tell these folks that their beliefs are "forbidden" but as the American president Teddy Roosevelt told one of his cabinet officers who was told to "Go to Hell." by a member of congress, "Well, you don't have to go you know." So it is with one's beliefs. If they are valid for you, they don't need to be validated by anyone else.


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Re: What is religion?Ocean Starr06:56:54 03/18/03 Tue

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