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Subject: Re: What does a witch do?

Ocean Starr
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Date Posted: 01:31:18 06/30/02 Sun
In reply to: Linda Shortland 's message, "Re: What does a witch do?" on 20:03:05 06/29/02 Sat

Witches have always been around. If you think about the "cavemen" and the first steps of religion, it is very closely related to Wicca. Their cave drawings show them at ritual with their god of the hunt and goddess of life. As the years went by and religions were formed, it was basically pushed aside by most because even then they thought newer was better. Because most of the animals they hunted and used for food had horns (buffalo, deer, etc), the god that fed them must have horns....hence the horned god who has evolved into the "devil", which is why most always thought we were devil worshippers (an entity we don't even believe exists). We had to go underground for strictly survival reasons, it had nothing to do with being ashamed or horrible acts that couldn't be seen. Now, finally with all the laws of freedom of religion and since they can't burn or hang us anymore, we can poke our heads out a bit. As far as letting others know, that really depends on you and them. Everyone at work knows about me but my dad still doesn't (and I'm 40 years old lol)I recommend that before letting it be know publicly, be sure you can handle all the negative things that will come with it....and be sure you can answer questions (even the rude ones) because if you falter, they will be merciless.
You seem to get me on a soapbox!! LOLOLOL!
Have a great day........Light Love and Laughter

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Re: What does a witch do?Linda Shortland07:05:48 07/04/02 Thu

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