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Subject: Some practical considerations

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Date Posted: 07:30:36 03/27/03 Thu
In reply to: Black_Wolf 's message, "Well" on 04:27:36 03/27/03 Thu

There are some practical considerations to running away from one's parents especially if one wishes to take another along. Firstly how old are you? If your are seventeen years of age or younger your parents might report you to the police as a runaway. The local police will then enter your descriptive data into your local state AND the National Crime Information Center data bases. When you show up with your ID, which one must have now days to fly on commercial aircraft, you, your girl friend and whatever Al Qaeda terrorists might be boarding your flight will be picked up by the Department of Homeland Security. Actually the last part is a joke as I'm sure Al Qaeda has enough sense to use false identities.

Secondly, how old is your girlfriend? If she is seventeen years of age or less not only will what I mentioned above apply to her but you may find yourself talking to the FBI about a violation of the Mann Act for transporting your girlfriend across state lines for immoral purposes. Here's a link to the law in the matter, http://www.usdoj.gov/usao/eousa/foia_reading_room/usam/title9/crm02027.htm

What sort of "stuff" do you need to keep? Oh yeah, I forgot, Witchcraft can't be practiced properly without an atheme, boline, besom, chalice, patten, altar, God and Goddess candles, incense burner, incense, sage, container of consecrated water and candles for the quarters. A Druid friend once commented with amusement that at a Pagan retreat he just went off into the woods with his recorder but a Wiccan friend of his had several trunks full of stuff she had to unload before she could "practice". I don't mean to hose you or anything. Yeah I've got all that "stuff" as well. I've even got a stone circle in my backyard with chiminea in the south, a pond with waterfall in the west, standing stones in the north and east and a cedar Maypole in the center. But you know what? The best Witchcraft I've ever practiced is not the widdershins or deosil circumambulation of the circle with incense billowing and bells ringing. The best Witchcraft I've ever practiced is when I sit quietly in the shade of the peach tree by the pond with my Sheltie named Haggis, watch the koi swim around the water lillies and parrots feather, listen to my pentatonic chimes ring in the wind and contemplate 3,4,5 triangles and dodecahedrons.

I can only afford to be so contemplative because I graduated from college, worked like a fool until I could afford to retire and all the while shoved as much money as I could manage into mutual funds. You want a money spell? Try compound annual returns. There's some high magick. That of course, brings us to finances. How do you and your girlfriend propose to support yourselves in Hawaii assuming the local police, FBI, or Department of Homeland Security don't pick you up first? Witches gotta eat too! If your mind (which is your most important and powerful magical tool by the way) is preoccupied with finding ways to shelter and feed its body, it may not have much time for the more esoteric aspects of the Craft.

These are just my thoughts on the matter. Not knowing you I don't know if any are applicable to your situation. Ultimately this is your decision, and responsibility.

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Re: WellOcean Starr08:38:50 03/27/03 Thu

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