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Subject: Re: Rethink????/

Ocean Starr
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Date Posted: 11:54:29 04/03/03 Thu
In reply to: Black_Wolf 's message, "Re: Rethink????/" on 04:20:43 04/03/03 Thu

Don't take it so hard son, you did what you thought was right and it didn't pan out. This is what we call a learning experience. If nothing else, you may be able to help someone else who has the same thought. I know it's not the easiest thing to deal with but you have to remember, if you believe in karma, or the three fold law or what comes around goes around........even the old saying, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." You must then believe that no matter what you intend the outcome to be, it's the method of operation that counts. You may well have good reason for getting your friend out of her situation, but you must think of what y'all's parents and those who care for your well being went through. Parents (most anyway) don't disipline children because they don't want you to have any fun, they just know the dangers and want to save you the hurt. Let's say you jumped off a dock and hit your head on some old pylons that were underwater..... you would then tell you friends not to jump there cuz you got 10 stitches from that jump. Now your friend says that wouldn't happen to him cuz he knows where you went wrong...... wouldn't you try a little harder to get him not to jump..if you cared about him at all? Okay, so the guy you don't like so much, let that guy jump...... Get my drift?

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Ok i get itBlack_Wolf04:37:18 04/04/03 Fri

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