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Date Posted: 11:26:24 01/08/06 Sun
Author: PB (Philbert)
Subject: Daughter finishes vet school this May. She came home late for Cristmas break because she had do the anesthesia for surgery on a BEAVER of all things. She said she couldn't resist staying for it...How many times in your life swill you see surgery on a beaver. In your last Chirstmas picture of your daughter she looked liek she would be 12 or so now. And now she is thinking about JC courses? What are you feeding these kids! LOL!
In reply to: Luoodles 's message, "I just ordered some new peeps from the hatchery. They arrive in Feb. Hey, how's your daughter doing in VET school? Mine is hoping to start prelim classes at the Com. College next fall. We shall see. Our local vet has offered her a job as soon as she can drive, which of course adds fuel to the fire. LOL! Oh my. I'm thinking I'm headed down your road, Philbert." on 23:17:33 01/05/06 Thu

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[> [> [> [> [> [> ROTFLOL!!! A BEAVER??? Too funny! Yes... Vet Wanna Be is a grade ahead in school and will begin 9th this September. We're allowing her to take some courses at the local community college. (It's referred to around here as the homeschooler's high school.) She will take one class per semester beginning this fall. She's gung ho about this vet thing. We thought it would be a chance for her to really see if this is what she wants to do... or not. -- Luoodles and yes, Aria. Lu is OLD. Oooooooold., 14:41:09 01/11/06 Wed [1]

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> LOL - but at least not old enough to have her in college full time - and I should have thought about the community college home school thing - seems to be the way to go among most homeschooling circles I think.... The library I am soon to be working at apparently gets some of the Teaching Company (or whatever its called) courses, because I saw one sitting there, and am excited to see if they're as good as some of the homeschooling folks online claim they are (have you tried any of them? or are they still just a tad too high for any of your kids if the oldest is only in 9th?) -- Aria, 15:12:10 01/15/06 Sun [1]

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